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Laravel OpenAI database queries

Laravel OpenAI - Moe Dayraki

Thanks to BeyondCode, we're now able to query our Laravel database using natural english!

OpenAI Part

OpenAI Account

Sign up with OpenAi or Login if you already have an account.

Create a new API key

After creating or logging in into your account, you can now click on your profile name (Named Personal by default) and it should be found in the bottom left corner of the website. Then navigate to "View API keys" and click on "+ Create new secret key". Don't forget to copy the key when you create it because you can only see it one time.

Laravel OpenAI - Moe Dayraki

Laravel OpenAI - Moe Dayraki

Laravel Part

Setting Up the Package

Ofcourse, we'll have to install a laravel project or use an exsisting one. Please check my article about (Installing Laravel with VueJS)[/posts/install-laravel-vuejs].

We will use beyondcode's package to make everything smooth!

composer require beyondcode/laravel-ask-database

After that, we can publish the configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="ask-databse-config"

In our env file, we should add


PHP curl Certificate

PHP 5.6^ needs a certificate to use cURL. To download the certificate, visit and get the bundle. Move cacert.pem to your PHP directory (e.g: usr/local/etc/php/8.1) and change the php.ini curl.cainfo and openssl.cafile to have your certificate file path.

For more information, please check this stackoverflow Q/A.

Using Natural Language

Now, we're ready to query the database using natural language!

DB::ask('What is the name of my our first user?');

To make it more fancy, we just add an input tag to our front-end and ask the user to prompt any question! then move that question and query it!.

<input name='question' type='text' class='bla-bla' />

and voila! Happy coding!

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