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The Moe Article

Moe Dayraki

So I've decided to start writing articles about programming, development, and new technologies. Let's check out what this blog is all about.

Learn Code

An illiterate, it's a person who is unable to read or write. At least that was its definition in the past. These days, Illiterate will cover any person that doesn't know how to use a computer including PCs, phones, and machines.

But it's not only this. People nowadays should be able to understand how computers work and what they do behind the scenes with all the 0s and 1s they speak because that's what is running the world now. From the start of your day with waking up when the alarm goes off to the end of your day when you set the alarm, everything in between depends in one way or another on a program, software, or automation.

That's why I advise any person to learn at least basic programming techniques. For any personal inquiries please reach me on Twitter

What is The Moe Blog?

The Moe Blog; created by Moe; covers programming technologies and discusses strategies and principles to apply these technologies. The stack used to build this blog is:

  • Iles The Joyful Site Generator
  • Vite Next Generation Frontend Tooling
  • Vue 3 An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web UI
  • Windicss Next generation utility-first CSS framework

The blog will keep evolving to include not only new articles but new features as well.

Why Articles and Not Videos?

When it comes to learning programming, I find myself always looking for documentation, articles, and snippets instead of podcasts and videos. It's always easier to put the docs on one screen and your editor on the other and start looping through the read/apply strategy. In addition, articles that I will write will be docs for myself in the first place because I forget a lot.

Open Source

The whole project is an open source project under the MIT License. If you find my content useful, please follow me on Github or Twitter

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